Dear Friends,
Quiet: Level One launches on Kickstarter July 9th. That’s just 24 days from now! Eek!
Gift Alert! If you haven’t already joined the other ~600 people currently Following the project on Kickstarter, let me just remind you that doing so now will help secure your FREE Early Bird gift: a custom sketchbook, designed by yours truly, with a beautiful cover and little secrets inside. Here’s a peek at the cover:
I loved making this image; it captures that sense of adventure and whimsy that the gritter, black-and-white images don’t always get. And turning this into a sketchbook for your art and thoughts… I can’t imagine a better use.
In other news, I’m drowning in deadlines! My project manager assures me that we’re on schedule, but also that we’ll have to work really, really hard these next few weeks. Here’s just a few things I’ve got going on right now:
Posting on social media every day
Designing a Landing Page to capture emails for marketing
Finalizing edits on the Groot YouTube video (and it’s really, really good!)
Working on the first of two (2) Quiet YouTube videos
Developing the script for the Kickstarter video
Working with some animators on the Q:L1 Trailer video
Designing the cover for the hardcover slipcase
You know what, let’s talk about that slipcase a moment, shall we? Because it’s what I’m working on much of this week and I wanted to show you where I’m at:
Here’s me talking about this over on Instagram:
The yellow will be gold foil, and I’m hoping that the white parts will be embossed. As you can see, I’m including the four main characters in the corners and doing my best to build hints as to their connection to the story (without breaking elements of the design). This has honestly been a really difficult design to nail down, because I’ve felt intense pressure to get the Tree of Worlds right — after all, this will be the primary way it’s depicted! So yeah, it’s not there yet, but things are finally slotting into place.
My process:
And speaking of process, I thought maybe you’d enjoy seeing this little process video from one single panel of the book, where Quiet uses a torch to drive away the Greed:
And here’s a set of four “Chapter Pages” from the book. These will ultimately have color in them, but for now I’m working with just values:

Okay, so there are some incredibly fun things around the corner.
First, Punished Props are hard at work on Rüna, Galahorn’s axe. Yes, we are making a prop axe for the Kickstarter… it’ll be a sort of “grand prize,” and it’s going to be amazing. Expect pictures very soon!
The second thing has to do with YOU!
In just a few days, I’m going to announce a #DTIYS (Draw This In Your Style) challenge!
The subject will be, of course, Quiet, and I’ll be encouraging the artists among you to draw them in any scenario: fighting a sea dragon, exploring a dungeon, hiding from Galahorn, or just enjoying a sunny morning in a meadow. I’m still coming up with prizes - figurines, soft-and-hardcover versions of the book, etc - but what I’d really love is to include some of the winners in the back of the graphic novel when it comes out.
I can’t wait to see what you make.
Quiet’s journey begins in 24 days. Don’t forget to lend your support!
Have a great weekend,
(PS: Oh, and I was touched and honored this past week when my alma mater, Skidmore College, published a feature about me, creativity, and Quiet: Level One on their website! )
Can't wait Jonah! It's going to be epic.
Fascinating, as always, Jonah. We are ready….