The journey of QUIET begins at Level One
Join me as I create a comic about an adorable skeleton battling impossible odds.
I am on a quest, and it’s already proving to be bigger than I imagined.
Early this year, I decided to plow ahead and create a comic book, QUIET: Level One. I did this for a number of reasons, some of which are very close to my soul and which I shall one day innumerate herein.
But mostly I did it for Quiet himself, the mute little skeleton around which the comic is based. Over the last several years, he has kept company with me in the back of my head. He is a comfort, his presence as soft and benevolent as a blanket. He is quick and strong and funny, but in a truly quiet way.
His story needs to be told.
In this place will I share our journey. I will talk about my life, my work on games like Skyrim and Fallout, how I make art and how I build worlds… and I will document the creation of QUIET: Level One.
Because this journey will last years. It will encompass art, story, world-building, and the brass tacks of moving an entire world - or an entire Tree of Worlds, in this case - from the invisible world of imagination out into the real world, on to paper, and into people’s hands.
I’ll be posting an update of some kind at least once a week. Expect behind-the-scenes images, writings and thoughts, as well as finished art, polls, and invitations to contribute ideas (the Worlds of Quiet are many and in need of your creative input!)
I’d love for you to come on this journey with us. My companion doesn’t say much, but what he lacks in words he makes up for in heart.
Join us:
We couldn’t be more excited to have you.